ali khan
Ali Khan
Published On
April 18, 2024
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Free vs. Paid: Poll Everywhere Review Based on User Pricing Preferences (from 50+ Reviews)

Ever zoned out during a presentation? (Be honest, we all have!)🥲

Studies show a whopping percentage of audience members lose focus after just 10 minutes. Yikes!

If you struggle to keep your presentations engaging?  

Then, Poll Everywhere might be an answer!  This tool lets you create interactive polls and quizzes to keep your audience on their toes.

But is it all sunshine and rainbows?  

This Poll Everywhere review dives deep into what real users (over 50 of them!) are saying about Poll Everywhere.  We'll explore the good, the bad, and everything in between.

Is Poll Everywhere the perfect fit for you?  We'll break down the features of Poll Everywhere, and it’s pricing and even suggest an alternative platform so you can make an informed decision.

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What Poll Everywhere is and how does it work?

Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere is a web tool specifically designed to make presentations more interactive. 

Presenters can create polls and quizzes with various question types, and the audience can answer right from their own devices.  

The answers appear live on screen, allowing everyone to see the results in real-time. 

This creates a more engaging experience for both the presenter and the audience.

Here's how it works:

  • Presenters create questions: They can choose from different types of questions, like multiple choice (pick one answer), open ended (type your own answer), or even picture polls (pick the picture that best fits).

  • Audience answers with their devices: People in the presentation can answer the questions using their phones, laptops, or even by texting a code if the presenter allows it.

  • Results show up live: As people answer, the results appear on the screen for everyone to see. This can be fun and helps presenters understand what the audience is thinking.

  • Works with existing presentations: The best part? You can add these polls directly into your PowerPoint, Keynote, or Google Slides presentations! No need to learn a whole new program.

So, instead of just talking to the audience, Poll Everywhere helps presenters get everyone involved and make presentations more engaging!

Now that we know what Poll Everywhere is and how it works, let’s discuss the pricing structure of this tool. 

How much does Poll Everywhere cost? 

Poll Everywhere offers various plans for businesses & non-profits, higher education, K-12 education, and one-time events. 

Here's a breakdown: 

Pricing of Poll Everywhere for business and non-profit plans

Business & Non-Profits

  • Free: Ideal for getting started, allows unlimited users but has a 25 max audience size and limited features.
  • Present ($10/month billed annually): For increased responses (700 max audience) and email support.
  • Engage ($49/month billed annually): Recommended plan for reporting and insights with detailed analytics.
  • Teams ($84/month billed annually): Best for small teams with custom branding and additional features.
  • Enterprise (Custom): Contact them for custom plans with enterprise-grade features.
Pricing of Poll Everywhere for Higher education plans

Higher Education

  • Free: For professors to try Poll Everywhere, which allows unlimited users but has a 25 max audience size.
  • Individual Instructor ($349/semester): This is recommended for professors needing premium features (700 max audience) and reporting.
  • Student Pays (Custom): Option for professors to shift costs to students (price depends on class size).
  • Department-Wide ($5,000+): For colleges to provide Poll Everywhere access to multiple professors.
  • University-Wide (Custom): Contact them for university-wide integration into the curriculum.

Pricing of Poll Everywhere for K12 education plans

K-12 Education

  • Free: Similar to the free plan for businesses, it allows unlimited users but with a 25-max audience size.
  • Premium ($50/year): Recommended for K-12 educators for full features (40 max audience) and reporting.
  • School-Wide ($1,000+): For K-12 institutions to provide Poll Everywhere access to multiple educators (200 max audience).
Poll Everywhere pricing for one-time event plans

One-Time Events

  • Events Lite ($499): For a single event with a large audience (1000 max) and one polling session.
  • Events Plus ($999+): Contact them for events with multiple concurrent polling sessions (larger audience size than Lite).
  • Events Pro ($4,999+): Contact them for large events with extensive support and multiple concurrent polling sessions.


  • Consider the number of users, audience size, and features you need when choosing a plan.
  • Annual billing offers significant savings compared to monthly plans.
  • Higher education and K-12 plans offer free tiers and options for cost-sharing with students or institutions.

Quite confusing, right? 

But I hope I helped you with the pricing structure in this Poll Everywhere review. 

Now, let’s move on to the actual Poll Everywhere reviews and what users think about it. 

Polls Everywhere review: Top features according to users 

Here are the features where Poll Everywhere shines bright: 

Versatility in Question Types:

Poll Everywhere review on G2

Don't be limited to yes or no answers. Poll Everywhere offers a variety of question formats to fit your needs. Choose from:

  • Multiple Choice: Present several options for your audience to pick the most relevant one. Great for quick quizzes or gauging preferences.
  • Open-ended: Encourage detailed responses and gather in-depth insights from your audience.
  • Word Cloud: Visualize the most popular keywords or phrases chosen by participants, making results easy to grasp.
  • Ranking: Have participants rank items in order of importance or preference, revealing trends and priorities.
  • And More: There are additional options like true/false, likert scale, and image polls, ensuring you have the right tool for any situation.

Effortless Participation for Everyone:  

No need for downloads or complicated setups.  Your audience can answer polls using their existing devices – laptops, smartphones, or tablets. 

This removes barriers and encourages participation from everyone in the room. 

Live Results Keep Everyone Hooked:  

See responses appear and update instantly on screen. 

This creates a dynamic experience for your audience, keeping them engaged and invested in the outcome.

Adaptable to any device:

Accessibility is key. 

Poll Everywhere works seamlessly across different devices, ensuring everyone can participate regardless of what they bring. 

This is crucial for presentations in classrooms, conferences, or even company meetings with a remote audience.  

All good? But what about its limitations? Let's know where Poll everywhere falls short. 

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Poll Everywhere review: Where does it fall short? 

Here are some of the features Poll Everywhere lacks.

Aggressive Sales Tactics:  

Poll everywhere review on G2

Some reviewers mentioned being bombarded with phone calls and emails from Poll Everywhere in an attempt to upsell them to premium plans. 

This can be disruptive and frustrating, especially if you're just trying to use the free features for a small project.

Cost Considerations for Low-Volume Users: 

Poll everywhere review on G2

While Poll Everywhere offers a free plan, it has limitations on the number of participants and responses. 

Upgrading to a paid plan can be expensive for non-profit organizations or small businesses that only need to conduct a few polls a month. 

It's important to carefully consider the pricing structure and your specific needs before committing.

Limited SMS Voting Functionality: 

Poll Everywhere review on G2

Text message voting can be a convenient option for participants, but reviewers outside the US reported issues with this feature.  

SMS voting might not be supported in all regions, and international charges can make it a costly option for participants.

Potential Issues with PowerPoint Integration: 

The PowerPoint plugin designed to integrate polls into presentations can be buggy. Users have encountered formatting problems and situations where poll results don't display correctly. 

This can be a significant drawback if you rely heavily on PowerPoint presentations for your polls.

Limited Customization Options: 

Poll everywhere review on G2

While Poll Everywhere offers various question formats, some reviewers expressed a desire for more customization options. 

The platform might not allow for extensive control over the visual appearance of polls, which could limit their ability to seamlessly integrate with your branding or presentation style.

Summary of this Poll Everywhere review

Poll Everywhere is a web tool that lets presenters create interactive polls and quizzes for their audience. Audience members answer from their own devices, and the results appear live on screen.

Key benefits:

  • Variety of question types: Multiple choice, open-ended, word cloud, ranking, etc.
  • Effortless participation: No downloads needed, works on any device.
  • Live, engaging results: Keeps audience hooked with dynamic updates.
  • Device agnostic: Works on laptops, smartphones, and tablets.
  • Seamless integration: Embed polls directly into PowerPoint, Keynote, or Google Slides presentations.

Free plan limitations:

  • Max audience size of 25.
  • Limited features.

Paid plans:

  • Offer increased audience size, reporting tools, and additional features.
  • Pricing varies depending on user type (business, education, etc.) and needs.
  • Consider your audience size, desired features, and budget when choosing a plan.

Potential drawbacks:

  • Aggressive sales tactics for upgrades.
  • Costs can be high for low-volume users.
  • Limited SMS voting functionality outside the US.
  • Potential bugs with PowerPoint integration.
  • Limited customization options.

Let’s see why you might need a Poll Everywhere alternative. 

Reasons to go for an alternative

  1. Limited Team Engagement: Poll Everywhere focuses on presentations, not fostering a team environment. Consider alternatives if you need features like recognition tools, anonymous feedback, or team-building activities.
  2. Basic Insights: Poll Everywhere offers basic results. If you crave deeper understanding, explore alternatives with AI-powered reports that provide valuable team "wellness scores" and actionable insights.
  3. Celebrations Omitted:  Poll Everywhere is all business. Look for alternatives if you want to recognize achievements and celebrate milestones, boosting team morale and culture.
  4. Slack Integration Gap:  Poll Everywhere doesn't integrate with Slack. Consider alternatives that seamlessly connect with Slack, encouraging natural and frequent communication and feedback within your team.
  5. Potentially Costly:  While Poll Everywhere has a free plan, its limitations might push you to paid tiers. Explore alternatives that potentially offer a more comprehensive engagement suite at a competitive price point.

The #1 alternative to Poll Everywhere: - a tool beyond polling

Now let’s talk about Wrenly.
Homepage of

Wrenly is a platform that fosters a thriving team culture, empowers data-driven decision-making, and seamlessly integrates with Slack and Microsoft Teams. 

It's an all-in-one team engagement suite designed to go beyond simple polls and quizzes. 

While Poll Everywhere excels at creating interactive presentations, it often falls short in fostering a strong team environment and encouraging ongoing engagement. is more than just a polling tool; it's an all-in-one team engagement suite designed to go beyond simple data collection and presentations. 

Here's a quick comparison of and Poll Everywhere:

- Focuses on team engagement

- Offers features for building team culture (anonymous feedback, celebrations)

- Provides AI-powered reports and team "wellness scores"

- Integrates seamlessly with Slack

- Transparent pricing structure with a free trial

Poll Everywhere

- Focuses on presentations

- Lacks features for building team culture

- Offers basic post-poll results

- Functions as a separate tool

- Free plans with limited features and paid plans can be expensive

Now let's discuss this further in detail:


  • Fosters team culture, communication, and data-driven decision-making.
  • Poll Everywhere: Primarily focuses on creating interactive presentations with polls and quizzes.

Building a Positive Team Culture:

  • Offers features like anonymous feedback systems and team milestone celebrations to build trust and a sense of belonging.
Suggestion box feature of
  • Poll Everywhere: Lacks features for building team culture.

Data-Driven Insights:

  • Provides AI-powered reports and team "wellness scores" for a holistic view of team dynamics. reports view
  • Poll Everywhere: Offers basic post-poll results.

Communication and Collaboration:

  • Integrates seamlessly with Slack for natural and ongoing communication within your team's existing workspace.
  • Poll Everywhere: Functions as a separate tool, potentially creating an extra communication step.


  • It offers transparent pricing, starting at $4 per user per month (with an annual discount) and a free trial.
Pricing of
  • Poll Everywhere: Free plan with limited features, paid plans can be expensive, especially for low-volume users.


  • Both allow live audience participation through polls and quizzes using personal devices.
  • Both integrate with PowerPoint, Keynote, or Google Slides presentations.

Choosing the Right Tool:

  • Need a presentation tool with basic polling? Consider Poll Everywhere's free plan (with limitations).
  • Want a comprehensive team engagement platform? offers a well-rounded suite for team culture building, data-driven decision-making, and seamless communication, with a cost-effective pricing structure.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your team's priorities and budget. goes beyond presentations, fostering a thriving team environment for a successful and engaged team.

Final say on this Poll Everywhere review

Quiz Time: Poll Everywhere or

Think fast! You need a tool to spice up your next presentation. But do you prioritize audience engagement or team culture? Take this quick quiz to find your perfect match:

Question 1: Your main goal is to:

A. Energize a one-time presentation with live polls.

B. Foster a thriving team environment with ongoing engagement.

Question 2: The feature most important to you is:

A. Variety of question formats (multiple choice, word cloud, etc.)

B. In-depth data and actionable insights to understand your team.

Question 3: Your ideal tool integrates with:

A. Presentation software (PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides)

B. Communication platforms like Slack, including the above three software. 

Mostly A's: Poll Everywhere might be your pick! It's a great choice for creating interactive presentations with real-time audience participation.

Mostly B's: sounds revolutionary! It goes beyond presentations, fostering team spirit, communication, and data-driven decision-making.

No matter what your choice, remember:

  • Poll Everywhere is a presentation powerhouse for live engagement.
  • is your all-in-one team engagement suite for building a thriving team culture.

Ready to take your pick? Explore Wrenly's free plan and see the difference an engaging team can make! Don’t worry; your credit card is not needed, go check it for free 🤪

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Ali is a co-founder of Wrenly known for his innovative thinking and exceptional drive to create value for every Wrenly customer. His dedication, mentorship, and leadership skills have not only shaped various careers but have also made him an invaluable asset to the Wrenly team.

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