ali khan
Ali Khan
Published On
April 3, 2024
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How To Build Trust in the workplace

All team members must have mutual trust. One out of five HR and engagement leaders believes employees deeply trust company leaders, and fifty percent believe HR is untrustworthy. For in-person teams and remote workers, trust is essential. Employees will likely be less motivated and productive in a low-trust environment. A high-trust company's workers experience 74 percent less stress, exhibit 50 percent higher productivity, and burn out 40 percent less. This article will show you how to build trust in the workplace, so your team is less stressed, more productive, and less likely to burn out.

Building trust in the workplace can be challenging for a variety of reasons, ranging from cultural differences to personality conflicts. It’s no mistake that trust is one of the most important values behind any successful business. Developing trust in the workplace is as simple as understanding and respecting your coworkers, ensuring that everyone gets what they need, and understanding how to motivate people to work at their highest potential without sacrificing their interpersonal needs.

- Understand what they need the most: Millennials have a tendency to feel entitled to resources and perks, and this sets many workplaces on edge because they don’t understand what millennials want or what makes them tick. Millennial workers want flexibility, growth opportunities, mentorship and collaboration, among other things.

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- Make sure everyone gets what they need: Although the millennial workforce can be challenging to work with, it is important to understand what each person needs to feel secure and valued. This can be as simple as making sure that everyone has everything that they need at their desk, or it can mean communicating with every employee when there are changes in the company.

- Understand motivation: Along with understanding what millennials want, it is essential to understand how to motivate them. Many millennials are constantly connected through social media and have high expectations because they feel entitled to certain things in the workplace. It is important to be able to motivate people without pushing them or giving in too much.

Importance of trust in the workplace 

Employees benefit from an environment with mutual respect, honesty, and psychological safety. They are more eager to go above and above for your company since they are proud of where they work. Additionally, trust in the workplace promotes employee security, which lowers turnover. Building and maintaining employee trust should be on your priority list. You'll probably observe a productivity and staff happiness reduction if you put it on the back burner. The good thing is that more and more businesses realize the value of workplace trust and mutual respect.

Employees that have trust are more likely to complete their work in the best way. It increases employee engagement, frequently resulting in a better position and outcomes for your business. Unsurprisingly, 80% of HR experts associate leadership trust with employee engagement, and 55% of business executives think a lack of workplace trust poses a real threat to their firm. By prioritizing workplace trust, you can also create a diverse and inclusive culture where employees feel more a part of their team.

Additionally, trust fosters a psychologically secure workplace where your team members feel free to express themselves and ask questions, leading to many improvements to your company and products and team member alongside with job satisfaction.

How to build trust in the workplace strategies

There are valuable ways to build trust and respect in the workplace. Consider constructive criticism, work on your body language. This way you will avoid employee retention in the future. A big impact has the trust building process on employee morale.

The key is to focus on the people, not the work. To be present at the moment, to share real feelings, and let go of your insecurities. As a leader, you must build trust with your team members. Not only do they need to trust that you won’t take advantage of them or make promises that cannot be fulfilled, but you will take care of them and their teams.

If you want to build trust as a team leader, then you need to:

Demonstrate trust

Trust is an ongoing journey and consists of constant small decisions and interactions, As a leader, you can build trust by being genuine, authentic, and transparent.

Set expectations

Be clear about what you expect from your teams and yourself. This is a key way to build trust with your team because you’re being consistent rather than surprising them or failing to meet expectations.

Be transparent

Be open about how things are going for you at work and in life. Your team members can relate to this information, especially if you open up about personal crises.

Keep your promises

Let your team know that there are no strings attached . . . If you say you will do something, do it—don't forget or be stingy with excuses.” This is another way to build trust.- Be loyal: “Don’t be lured by other opportunities at work or try to steal someone else’s team member or idea during negotiations.

Respect the power of trust

Trust is the cornerstone of all relationships, including those at work. If you want people to place their trust in you and your organization, first demonstrate that they can rely on and believe in you.

Give credit where credit is due

Be generous with praise and recognition and don’t take credit for what others have done or accomplished.

Know when to ask for help

When you are facing an unfamiliar task or problem at work, don’t hesitate to ask for help — no one expects superhuman performance from anyone else at work, especially from leaders.

That said, it is terribly frustrating when those in charge tend to blame others for problems when issues arise instead of helping themselves by delegating tasks and asking for help when needed.

The best leaders know how to make great use of their teams so that no one feels stuck doing the same thing day after day — give credit for doing a good job but do not hesitate to ask for assistance when needed.

Be more open to listening. 

Your employees are unique individuals with their own opinions. Professional development, Encourage them to express themselves, and when they do, pay attention. Positive working relationships based on mutual respect and trust are formed on this foundation. When discussing with employees always practice eye-contact, having this skill will make you a team player. Avoid keeping crossed arms!

Every day, there are chances to listen. For example, allow staff members to speak about their work experiences and feelings at meetings. Remember that you must show that you are open to others' opinions, whether or not you agree, and that you should be prepared to listen to both positive and negative feedback. Open door policy can help you build relationships of which you cannot even imagine.

Build a feedback culture in your company; regular feedback gives you a better idea of building trust in the workplace as your team will share what makes them lose trust the most.  Work ethic on top of all and then the good relationships will follow.

Respond to feedback 

Employees want a voice in their company, though, and it can be challenging to convince them to put their trust in you if you're not prepared to take the necessary steps to gather their feedback and act quickly on it. Analyze the feedback you've received from polls and employee check-ins to find out where your team is strong and where there is room for development. Then, you can take prompt action to strengthen vulnerable areas before they become significant issues. 

Make sure to promptly share the findings with your staff, then collaborate with them to decide what steps you can take to enhance their working environment. Making an action plan together shows honesty and makes workers feel appreciated. Employee trust in the company will increase when they see the actual results of their feedback. Employees will quickly become unsatisfied and believe that their feedback is irrelevant if you don't act immediately. However, timely response from leaders conveys respect, empathy, and trust to workers.

Express appreciation 

Yes, you pay your employees for their work, but it doesn't mean you respect and believe in them. It's crucial to provide them with regular, real-time recognition. Sending thank-you notes, verbal compliments, and material prizes like bonuses and employee awards are all ways to express appreciation. 

Regular recognition increases your team's likelihood of trusting you since it fosters a feeling of community and makes workers feel emotionally secure. Keep in mind that rewarding employees publicly is at least equally vital to rewarding them privately. You can promote your colleagues' accomplishments in a hall of fame, on a company-wide newsfeed, or during team meetings. Make it known to those other team members in your company that your employees are doing a fantastic job.

Keep Feedback Consistency

Building trust requires more than occasionally backing up your words with deeds. You must demonstrate your consistency in their regular feedback. So that your staff knows what to expect and won't have to worry if you're going to deliver, practice what you got from their feedback. Do the same if you insist on your team arriving on time. Do your research if you want them to fully understand your clients. Your team will believe in your ability to fulfill your commitments, set a positive example, and perform well.

Consistency is important in any relationship. By remaining consistent with your feedback to employees, you create predictability, which builds trust.  For example, if you reward employees who meet objectives set out in their annual performance review and let them know that they need to improve over the next quarter, you’ve made a commitment to them and yourself. However, if you don’t follow through on that commitment, employees may feel they cannot trust you to be fair in your evaluations.  

This applies to smaller, day-to-day interactions as well. If you implement a new policy, the employees need to trust that the policy will be consistently enforced by all employees regardless of their personalities or actions.  Letting employees know how they can improve, who has authority over certain decisions, and what is expected regarding their work and attendance will build their level of trust in you and the organization.

Promote DEI 

The attributes that characterize your business collectively make up your company culture. A great culture will contribute to excellent performance, but a bad one can prevent you from achieving your company objectives. Even though your culture will be created from different cultures, you must demonstrate traits like admiration, toughness, and cooperation. 

Employee networks are teams of workers who voluntarily group based on a shared culture or experience is another method for promoting diversity. They provide mutual support, enhance professional and personal development, and unite employees. Employee resource groups and employee affinity groups are other names for them.

Start to build trust in your company.  

We have already covered almost everything you need to know about building trust in the workplace. There is a necessary detail you should always keep in mind; taking action on employee feedback and offering words of appreciation daily are two of the best ways to strengthen trust with your workforce. Seeing their hard work recognized or being able to act on issues that are important to them is one of the most rewarding experiences for employees.


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Ali is a co-founder of Wrenly known for his innovative thinking and exceptional drive to create value for every Wrenly customer. His dedication, mentorship, and leadership skills have not only shaped various careers but have also made him an invaluable asset to the Wrenly team.

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