ali khan
Ali Khan
Published On
December 14, 2023
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Simple Guide To Developing Competencies

Competency development is about learning and generating competencies. Work and private life contribute to developing competencies. It is essential to know that developing competencies is an ongoing process and impact’s your personal and company’s success. 

Competency development is about growing your skill sets. Both your work and private life can contribute to developing competencies. This can be an ongoing lifelong process that impacts your personal and company success.

People need knowledge, skills, judgments, and attributes to perform a specific job effectively. Learn more about people development here. Your employees will understand what behaviors your organization values and needs to achieve its goals by defining competencies for each role in your company. Likewise, employees need skills, behaviors, and attitudes to perform their functions effectively. But how do you define them? What is the best way to determine their qualifications for the position? How do you decide what to measure to ensure you're the right fit for the job? 

Qualities and examples of competencies 

  • Motivation is one of your strengths

  • You have a tremendous tactical mind

  • Excellent communication skills

  • Problem-solving oriented 

  • Responding to signals given by people, organizations, and society

  • Self-initiative; making the most of opportunities; taking risks

  • The ability to comprehend complex information; the ability to make connections; the ability to draw conclusions

  • Taking into account all factors and making a decision

  • The ability to come up with new ideas, approaches, or solutions

  • Organizing human and other resources to accomplish a goal

  • In verbal communication, being understood by others and understanding others

  • Providing time, effort, and resources to achieve someone else's/other people's goals

  • Steering one's development process by learning from experiences

How to develop competencies and their importance 

It is simple to discuss increasing performance, increasing efficiency, and becoming a more persuasive leader. But what are the practical requirements for doing that? You may find several competencies that will improve your individual and corporate performance in the list below. Those competencies might be a skill you already have but haven’t identified yet. 

Job Experience

This demonstrates the breadth of knowledge an employee has in their industry. Therefore, employees should be encouraged to develop this skill because it will lead to higher productivity and organizational growth.

General Information

This is the knowledge that has been learned through formal schooling or experience. It also includes principles and skills. When the need arises, you must apply knowledge correctly and effectively if a company is to succeed. Additionally, there must be a flow and exchange of knowledge and information. Some info outside of the job wouldn’t hurt. 


This competency shows the capacity to operate together and successfully in a group without friction or dissent in pursuing a shared goal or aim. Group identity is created and developed based on mutual respect, dedication, and trust. Teamwork can improve this ability by fostering trust in the organization through openness. Additionally, programs that arrange people into groups to solve specific problems should be planned.

Personal Characteristics

A person's unique traits and characteristics are referred to as their attributes. They reflect a person's character and are learned through time through various situations; examples include their capacity for stress tolerance and time management.

Management of time

Every person in a company needs to learn this talent; it applies to everyone from the organization's management and leadership to the lowest-paid workers. The capacity to manage one's and other employees' time is called time management.

What are leadership competencies?

Leaders must build their core leadership competencies to lead their teams effectively. Core leadership competencies can be divided into three broad categories:

The way a leader interacts with their team and how team members engage with one another gets influenced by interpersonal core skills. Interpersonal solid abilities facilitate communication and raise the team's morale. These abilities include emotional intelligence, interpersonal interactions, and dispute resolution.

Core competencies in logistics are those that managers need to plan and carry out projects successfully. Delegating tasks and making decisions are some of these abilities.

Core internal competencies impact how leaders view themselves and their development. Internal competencies, which are essential for professional development, are the abilities that enable a leader to self-evaluate. Self-analysis and personal responsibility are some of these abilities.

Developing leadership competencies

Here are seven actions you may take to build your fundamental leadership skills:

Develop emotional awareness

Emotional awareness or emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize your emotions and individuals around you. With emotional intelligence, you can effectively communicate, interpret people's emotions, and control your feelings in leadership roles. Knowing your team and establishing trusting working connections require this ability. 

Be aware of yourself. Spend some time observing how you respond when you experience strong emotions. Keep an eye out for changes in your behavior or how your body feels. Understanding how your own emotions affect you might also help you understand how others' emotions affect those around you.

Learn to recognize nonverbal cues. Consider your team's body language while you communicate with them to ensure that you are respectful of their emotions. Observing their nonverbal cues allows you to determine how to interact with someone most effectively.

Allow connection with your team.

The ability to foster relationships among team members is a skill that leaders must possess. You may expect the same of your team if you establish yourself as a fair, compassionate leader. It will increase team productivity and produce better results when working together to be able to foster positive working relationships between different individuals working on the same project. Be receptive to their worries. 

When workers communicate their feelings, actively listen to them and take note of their concerns. You can cultivate positive relationships by giving team members a sense of being heard. Appreciate achievements. Join your team members in toasting accomplishments large and small. Freely giving praise boosts team morale, stimulates an energetic environment, and promotes the growth of deeper connections. Be accountable to yourself. It's critical to accept accountability for your choices and deeds. By doing this, you will gain the respect of your team members, who will perceive your fairness as demonstrated by your capacity to accept responsibility.

Become more skilled in handling conflicts.

Using emotional intelligence to manage a discussion or resolve a problem between team members is essential to developing conflict resolution skills. You, as a leader, can use emotional intelligence to solve issues amongst coworkers, between two coworkers, or between coworkers and clients or customers. 

Keep your emotions under control. Recognize your feelings and work to maintain your calm. You can communicate your willingness to listen to people through your body language.

Make use of your listening abilities. Talk about the issue and make an effort to comprehend everyone's viewpoint. Take note of the conflict's origin. Then, decide on a reasonable solution to the disagreement or settling strategies. To resolve the disagreement effectively, you should consider why the conflict started.

Reflect on yourself for a while.

Self-reflection is a fundamental leadership skill because it enables you to make wise choices, spot opportunities for growth, and constantly strive for better. Consider your actions, emotions, and responses. To help you react more effectively in the future, figure out why you did what you did. 

Review the difficult circumstances you faced and assess the success of your plan of action. To advance your professional development, you can use this information to pinpoint your strengths and potential improvement areas. Make a plan to develop your working connections with your team, foster collaboration, and improve your interactions with them using what you've learned about how you behaved and responded.

What are your thoughts on this article? Share with us your job competencies. 

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Ali is a co-founder of Wrenly known for his innovative thinking and exceptional drive to create value for every Wrenly customer. His dedication, mentorship, and leadership skills have not only shaped various careers but have also made him an invaluable asset to the Wrenly team.

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