ali khan
Ali Khan
Published On
July 19, 2024
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How to Collect Anonymous Employee Feedback in Slack, Teams & Google? [ Step-by-Step Guide for Free]

In today's work world, listening to what employees think and feel is very important. But, the old ways we used to get their ideas aren't working well anymore. 

Imagine this: only about 3 out of 10 workers think their bosses really care about what they have to say. And just as few believe their ideas help make their workplace better.

For those in charge of making employees happy and engaged, like HR managers, founders, or people officers, this is a big problem.

Yearly surveys asking how employees feel don't get many responses, the answers they do get don't tell much, and the lack of data in between surveys leaves gaps in your ability to make continuous improvements. 

Employees are scared that being honest could make things difficult for them at work. Even quick questions or suggestion boxes don't seem to do the job well.

So, how can we make things better and make everyone feel included and happy at work without knowing what everyone thinks?

Thankfully, new technology is here to help. Some smart tools use anonymity and AI (Artificial Intelligence) to make giving feedback easy and safe.

These tools work right in the apps employees already use, so they don't have to bother with new accounts or extra steps. 

This makes more employees willing to share their thoughts. In fact, with these tools, more than 75% of employees from different places and jobs start to share more openly. These tools can also combine team feedback from different sources and assemble it into one automated report saving precious hours in a week.. This helps us find new insights and trends we couldn't see before.

In this guide, we'll show you how these new anonymous employee feedback systems can fix the problems with the old ways.

We'll look at how a smart tool in Slack, for example, can ask quick questions that employees can answer without anyone knowing who they are, making anonymous employee feedback possible. 

Then, we'll see how these tools can look at all the answers to find common themes and how people feel, all without revealing anyone's identity. This means companies can understand and act on what everyone thinks, not just the few who always speak up.

The big takeaway? When done right, asking for anonymous employee feedback without revealing who said what can change everything for the better.

It helps everyone learn faster, come up with new ideas, and feel like their voice matters. This makes people want to stay with the company longer and do their best work. Let's dive in and see how it works.

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What Is Anonymous Feedback?

Anonymous feedback allows employees to provide honest and open feedback about their working environment without fearing repercussions. It allows employees to express themselves freely, knowing their feedback will remain confidential. 

This type of feedback helps employers gain insight into how their staff perceives the workplace and can help identify areas that need improvement. 

Screenshot of how an employer can see anonymous feedback
Source: Wrenly Suggestion Box

Anonymous feedback refers to perspectives shared without names or identities attached.

For your employees, anonymity is transformative:

  • They encourage a culture of honesty and openness, where employees can express concerns and suggestions without fear of repercussions.
A screenshot of how employees can share feedback on Slack
Source: Wrenly on Slack Channel
  • By analyzing feedback for common themes, companies can gain insights into the overall employee sentiment, allowing them to address issues proactively.
  • This approach fosters a sense of belonging and respect among employees, as they see their feedback being taken seriously and acted upon.

As we delve into the specifics of how these anonymous employee feedback systems work and their impact, it becomes clear that anonymous feedback can transform workplace culture, leading to enhanced employee satisfaction and retention. 

But how can leaders actually enable candid sharing? Practical solutions exist making broad-based anonymous feedback simple and ethical.

How to collect anonymous employee feedback?

Employers have various options available to gather anonymous feedback from their employees. Here are the 4 steps you need to complete to collect feedback anonymously:

1. Select Anonymous Tools

  • Use anonymous survey platforms like Wrenly for direct anonymous communication directly in Slack and Teams.

2. Ensure Anonymity

  • Make sure the tools or methods used do not track identifiable information.

3. Design Effective Surveys

  • Include a mix of open-ended questions and specific queries to gather diverse insights.

4. Promote the Survey

  • Inform employees about the feedback opportunity through internal communications on Slack, Teams, and outside Slack, emphasizing anonymity and its importance.

By focusing on these steps, you ensure a smooth process for collecting anonymous feedback, setting the stage for honest and actionable insights.

Now let's explore the practicality of running anonymous surveys in three popular workplace platforms: 

  • Slack, 
  • Microsoft Teams, and 
  • Google Workplace 

Each platform offers unique features and approaches for engaging with employees and collecting their feedback confidentially.

Collect Anonymous Employee Feedback On Slack [In 3 minutes]: 

Did you know Slack is not just for daily chats and project updates? It's also a fantastic way for you to gather anonymous feedback from your team. Given its popularity among big companies for organizational communication, leveraging Slack for this purpose is both smart and efficient. 

Let me walk you through two easy ways you can start collecting valuable insights from your employees on Slack today:

Using Anonymous suggestion boxes

Anonymous suggestion boxes are an effective way to collect employee feedback. These boxes provide employees with a secure and convenient way to share their ideas or concerns without fear of being identified. This allows employers to get honest and accurate feedback that they can use to make informed decisions. 

Though Slack doesn’t allow for anonymous messages on its own we will use to collect employee feedback. 

How to use the Wrenly suggestion box

Here are the steps to create an Anonymous suggestion box to collect employee feedback:

Step 1: Add to your Slack workspace:

Screenshot of Downloading Wrenly on Slack
Source: Slack App Store

This step is foundational as is designed to facilitate anonymous feedback collection directly within your Slack workspace.

Adding is straightforward; search for it in the Slack App Directory and install it following the instructions.

Step 2: Go to your Wrenly dashboard 

Screenshot of Wrenly dashboard
Source: Wrenly dashboard

Once is added, access your Wrenly dashboard and locate the suggestion box section. This area allows you to manage and create new suggestion boxes.

Step 3: Explore the suggestion box page

Screenshot of Wrenly suggestion box page
Source: Wrenly Suggestion Box

Here, you'll see existing suggestion boxes and have the option to create new ones. This page is your control center for managing how feedback is collected within your organization.

Step 4: Create or manage new user groups and channels

At this step, you have the option to create a new user group or upload an existing one. This functionality includes selecting specific Slack channels to include in the group and enhancing the targeted collection of feedback. 

screenshot of creating user group to send anonymous feedback on Slack
Source: Wrenly Suggestion Box

Additionally, you can establish a recognition channel for this group and set up a dedicated suggestion box to welcome feedback submissions.

Step 5: View collected anonymous suggestion feedback

All anonymous suggestions gathered will be accessible in one central location, making it easy to review and act upon the feedback. 

screenshot of collected anonymous suggestion feedback
Source: Wrenly Suggestion Box Dashboard

How Employees Can Submit Anonymous Feedback

Below is the process for employees to provide anonymous feedback is streamlined and user-friendly, ensuring that everyone can share their insights without hesitation. 

Step 1: Go to your Slack channel and type ‘/wrenly + enter ’, a dialogue box will pop up like this

Screenshot of employee creating suggestion box on Slack
Source: Slack

Activate Wrenly's suggestion box feature by navigating to any Slack text box and typing /wrenly followed by pressing enter.

This command prompts a dialogue box to appear, serving as your gateway to setting up the anonymous feedback collection process.

Step 2: Test it out and write an anonymous feedback message (You can also use Wrenly AI to help you write a great message)

Screenshot of using Wrenly AI to help you write a great anonymous  message
Source: Slack 

Craft an engaging feedback request that encourages participation. The beauty of lies in its AI-driven capabilities to assist you in creating compelling messages. 

If you’re uncertain about what to say, let Wrenly AI suggest a message based on your feedback theme, such as gathering insights on the evaluation process.

Screenshot of Wrenly AI suggesting a message based on feedback themes
Source: Slack

Step 3: Preview Your Anonymous Suggestion Box Message 

Screenshot of anonymous suggestion box message preview
Source: Slack 

Before launching, preview your message to ensure it's clear and inviting. This step is crucial for making any necessary adjustments that can enhance clarity and engagement. 

The goal is to ensure your message resonates well with your team, encouraging maximum participation

Step 4: Launch Your anonymous employee suggestion box for employees is ready

Screenshot of anonymous employee feedback on Slack
Source: Slack

With your message ready, launch the suggestion box. Your team can now start submitting their feedback anonymously. This step marks the culmination of your setup process, transitioning you to the feedback collection phase.

suggestion box dashboard
Source: Slack

Pros and Cons of Collecting Anonymous Employee Surveys Using Suggestion Box on Slack


  • Convenience and Accessibility: Employees are already familiar with Slack, making it easy for them to provide feedback without navigating away from their daily workflow.
  • Immediate and Continuous Feedback: Slack allows for real-time feedback, enabling issues to be addressed promptly.
  • Enhanced Anonymity and Security: With, the anonymity of suggestions is preserved, encouraging more open and honest feedback.
  • Engagement: Using a tool they're familiar with can increase participation rates among employees.


  • Limited Response Length: Slack might not be the ideal platform for lengthy feedback due to its chat-based nature.
  • Risk of Underutilization: If not properly promoted or if the organization’s culture doesn’t actively encourage feedback, these tools might be underused.

For Employers or HR Professionals: Utilizing Online Surveys

Online surveys are among the most common ways to collect anonymous employee feedback. Surveys provide employers with a structured way to ask questions and receive responses without directly interacting with staff members.

They also allow employers to get feedback quickly and easily, as staff can complete the survey online. 

Here are the steps to run online surveys to collect anonymous employee feedback

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Step 1: Go to your Wrenly dashboard and click on Surveys

Screenshot of Wrenly dashboard annotating Surveys
Source: Wrenly dashboard

Log into your Wrenly account and select the ‘Surveys’ section to start creating a new survey.

Step 2: Create your Employee Survey

Craft a survey tailored to the feedback you seek. This includes formulating questions that are clear, concise, and designed to elicit useful responses.

Screenshot of creating employee survey on Wrenly
Source: Wrenly Survey Page

Step 3: Build your audience

Choose the employees or specific departments you wish to target with the survey. This ensures the right individuals provide feedback relevant to the areas you're exploring.

Screenshot of building audience for online survey
Source: Wrenly Survey Page

Step 4: Schedule your Survey

Decide when the survey will be sent out. Timing can be crucial, so consider choosing a moment when employees are most likely to respond, such as the beginning of the workweek.

Screenshot of scheduling survey on Wrenly
Source: Wrenly

Step 5: Select the distribution channel

Pick which Slack channel(s) or direct messages (DMs) the survey will be distributed through. This could be a general channel for company-wide surveys or specific channels for departmental feedback.

Screenshot of Finalizing Survey on Wrenly
Source: Wrenly

Step 6: Preview all the responses in one place

Screenshot of collected online employee survey on Wrenly
Source: Wrenly

Once the survey period ends, gather and analyze the feedback. Wrenly's dashboard aggregates all responses, allowing for an overview of insights and trends within the feedback.

For Employees: Submitting Feedback Anonymously

Wrenly facilitates a direct and user-friendly way for employees to anonymously submit feedback through Slack

Step 1: Initiate the Survey on Slack: Type ‘/wrenly’

In the message input area of your Slack channel or DM and press enter. This command brings up the Wrenly survey interface within Slack.

Screenshot of creating survey on Wrenly
Source: Slack

Step 2: Create a new Survey

Select the option "Create a new survey." Here, you'll enter the questions you've been asked or wish to respond to as part of the feedback process.

screenshot of creating survey on wrenly
Source: Wrenly

You can also have the option to select a variety of questions you would like to ask your employee. 

Step: 3 Choose your Audience (if applicable)

This step might be more relevant to those setting up the survey, but as an employee, you might simply be responding to the survey questions provided.

screenshot of creating audience for online survey on Slack
Source: Wrenly

Step 4: Schedule and finalize your Survey response

Although primarily for survey creators, as a respondent, ensure your feedback is submitted within the given timeframe.

Screenshot of reviewing survey before finalizing
Source: Wrenly

Step 5: Finalize your Survey 

Your survey responses will be submitted anonymously through the selected Slack channels, ensuring your privacy while providing valuable insights.

Screenshot of finalizing survey on Wrenly
Source: Wrenly

Your employee will see the survey in selected Slack channels and give feedback anonymously. 

Survey result on Wrenly
Source: Slack

Pros and Cons of Collecting Anonymous Employee Feedback Using Online Survey in Slack


  • Structured Feedback: Surveys allow for structured questions, making it easier to analyze responses and identify trends.
  • Scalability: Easy to distribute to a large number of employees simultaneously, ensuring broad participation.
  • Customizability: Surveys can be tailored with various question types to suit specific feedback goals.
  • Anonymity: Well-designed surveys ensure respondent anonymity, encouraging candid responses.


  • Survey Fatigue: Employees might experience survey fatigue, especially if surveys are lengthy or frequent, leading to lower response rates or less thoughtful responses.
  • Limited Qualitative Feedback: While surveys are excellent for structured responses, they might not capture the nuance of more complex feedback.
  • Analysis Required: The data collected from surveys require thorough analysis to extract actionable insights, which can be time-consuming. However, if you use Wrenly, the AI can automatically create summaries and themes to save you time

In conclusion, leveraging Slack for anonymous employee feedback, whether through suggestion boxes or online surveys, offers a modern, efficient way to engage with employees.

However, success with these methods depends on thoughtful implementation, clear communication about the purpose and confidentiality of feedback mechanisms, and an organizational culture that values and acts on employee input.

Collect Anonymous Employee Feedback on Microsoft Teams

In transitioning from the discussion on leveraging Slack for anonymous employee feedback, it's equally important to consider how Microsoft Teams can be utilized for this critical task. 

Much like Slack, Teams serves as a central hub for workplace communication but requires a slightly different approach for gathering feedback due to its unique ecosystem and integrations.

For Employees: Submitting Feedback Anonymously

Here are the steps to create an Anonymous suggestion box to collect employee feedback in Teams:

Step 1: Add to Microsoft Team Workplace

Adding to Microsoft Team Workplace
Source: Microsoft Teams

First off, you'll integrate with your Teams setup. This tool is specially designed to enable anonymous feedback within Teams, making it easy for you to gather insights without compromising privacy.

Step 2: Click the ‘Share Feedback via Wrenly’ option

Screenshot of creating survey using Wrenly on Microsoft teams
Source: Wrenly

Within Teams, navigate to, and select the option to share feedback. This action kick-starts the feedback collection, signaling to your team that their voice is valued and heard.

Step 3: Write an anonymous feedback message

Screenshot of writing an anonymous feedback message
Source: Microsoft Teams

This is where you craft a message that resonates with your team, inviting them to share their honest feedback. The anonymity provided ensures they can speak freely, offering you invaluable insights.

Step 4: Preview Your Anonymous Feedback Message

Screenshot of previewing anonymous employee feedback message
Source: Microsoft Teams

Take a moment to preview your message, ensuring it's clear, encouraging, and ready to go. This step is crucial for making any necessary tweaks to maximize engagement.

Step 5: Launch Your Anonymous Suggestion Box

Launching anonymous suggestion box
Source: Microsoft Teams

With everything set, launch your suggestion box. Your team can now start submitting their feedback, right within the familiar confines of Teams.

Pros and Cons of Collecting Anonymous Employee Feedback On Teams


  • Seamless Integration: By using Teams, a platform your team is already familiar with, you'll see higher engagement and easier access to the feedback tool.
  • Immediate Insights: Teams allow for real-time feedback, enabling you to address concerns and suggestions promptly.
  • Boosted Participation: The use of familiar interfaces and integrated tools like encourages more of your team to participate, knowing their feedback is both anonymous and valued.


  • Handling Data with Care: It's crucial to ensure and communicate to your team how their data is protected, maintaining trust in the anonymity process.
  • Avoiding Feedback Overlook: In the bustling environment of Teams, there's a risk important feedback might be missed. Highlighting and following up on feedback is key to avoiding this.

In essence, using Microsoft Teams for anonymous feedback is a smart move toward building a transparent and open culture. Integrating into this process ensures your team knows their feedback is anonymous, valued, and acted upon. 

Remember, the success of gathering and implementing feedback lies in your commitment to listen, analyze, and act. This way, you empower your team to help shape a better workplace together.

Collect Anonymous Employee Feedback via Google Forms

Collecting anonymous employee feedback through Google Forms is a straightforward and effective method. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you set up an anonymous survey:

Step 1. Create Your Survey

  • Go to Google Forms and start a new form.
  • Title your survey clearly to reflect its purpose, such as “Employee Feedback Survey.”
Screenshot of creating survey using Google forms
Source: Google Forms

Step 2. Ensure Anonymity

  • In the form settings (the gear icon), uncheck the box that says “Collect email addresses.
  • Also, make sure the “Require sign-in” option is off to allow responses without Google account sign-in, further ensuring anonymity.
Ensuring anonymity in Google forms
Source: Google Forms

Step 3. Craft Your Questions

  • Use a mix of question types, such as multiple choice for specific queries and paragraph questions for open-ended feedback.
  • Keep questions neutral and unbiased to encourage honest responses.
Screenshot of crafting questions for online survey on
Source: Google Forms

Step 4. Set Up Response Gathering

  • In the “Responses” tab, choose where to collect the responses. You can have them directly in Google Forms or linked to a Google Sheets spreadsheet for easier analysis.
Screenshot of responses on Google forms
Source: Google Forms

Step 5. Share Your Survey

  • Once your survey is ready, click the “Send” button at the top right.
  • You can share the survey link directly via email, Slack, or any other communication platform your company uses. Alternatively, embed the form on an internal webpage if you prefer.
Screenshot of sending survey on Google forms
Source: Google Forms

Step 6. Communicate the Purpose and Anonymity

  • When sharing the survey, clearly communicate its purpose and reassure your team that all responses are anonymous. This is crucial to encourage participation and candid feedback.

Step 7. Analyze Feedback

  • After collecting responses, analyze the data to identify common themes, concerns, and areas for improvement.
  • Share key findings and planned actions with your team to close the feedback loop and show that their input is valued and taken seriously.

Pros and Cons of Collecting Anonymous Employee Feedback on Google Forms


  • High Customizability: Google Forms offers extensive customization options for surveys, including a wide range of question types and logical branching.
  • Ease of Analysis: Responses can be automatically collected in Google Sheets, facilitating straightforward analysis and trend identification.
  • Broad Accessibility: Google Forms is accessible to anyone with the link, without requiring a Google account, making it easy for all employees to participate.
  • Inherent Anonymity: Easily configurable to ensure anonymity without the need for additional tools.


  • Engagement Challenges: Without integration into daily tools like Slack or Teams, there might be lower engagement or awareness of the survey.
  • Survey Fatigue: The format may contribute to survey fatigue, especially if employees receive frequent requests for feedback via surveys.
  • No Ability to Follow Up: Unlike Wrenly, Google Forms does not offer a way for leadership to reply back to individual responses to ask for clarifications, further data, or to give a suggestion.

How to implement an anonymous employee feedback process

Once employers have established a way to collect anonymous employee feedback, they must also ensure they take the right steps to implement an effective process. Here are four key steps: 

Create clear guidelines 

Employers should start by creating a set of policies and guidelines for how employees can provide feedback anonymously. These should outline what types of comments are appropriate and how they can be submitted. Clear guidelines will help ensure the feedback is constructive and relevant and provide staff with a sense of security. 

Establish a system for collecting feedback. 

Employers should also create an effective system for collecting anonymous employee feedback. This could include setting up online surveys, creating anonymous suggestion boxes, or using employee engagement platforms. By establishing a reliable system for collecting feedback, employers can ensure they get the best information from staff members. 

Encourage participation 

Encouraging employees to participate in anonymous feedback initiatives is key to ensuring success. Employers should publicize their efforts and create an environment where staff feel comfortable sharing their opinions without fear of retribution or judgment. This can increase participation rates and ensure employers get honest and accurate feedback from their staff. 

Analyze and act on the results

Finally, employers should analyze the anonymous employee feedback they receive and take action where needed. By examining the responses carefully, employers can identify areas for improvement and create strategies to address any issues. This will help create a better work environment for staff members and ensure they feel comfortable voicing their opinions. 

By taking these steps, employers can ensure they collect anonymous employee feedback effectively and constructively. Ultimately, this will help them gain valuable insights into their workplace and make informed decisions that benefit employers and employees.


In this guide, we've looked at how anonymous feedback from employees can change the workplace for the better. We've shown why it's key to really understand how employees feel, encourage everyone to speak up and create a sense of belonging for all.

We've covered practical ways to collect this important feedback without revealing who said what, using tools like Slack, Teams, and Google Forms. For success, it's vital to be open about what you're doing, communicate clearly, and act on what you learn.

Here's what to remember from this guide:

  • Anonymous feedback lets employees speak freely. It removes the worry of negative consequences, leading to honest and useful responses.
  • Technology makes it easier to gather feedback without revealing identities. Solutions like Wrenly and online surveys help simplify this process while keeping it anonymous.
  • Pick the method that fits best with how your team already works. If your team works in Slack or Teams daily, an integration would make the most sense. If you need to send a survey via email then Google Forms is a great way to go.
  • Making sure everyone knows how to participate is key. Spread the word about your feedback efforts and ensure everyone feels safe to share.
  • Turning feedback into real change needs careful analysis and action. Look at the feedback, spot patterns, and solve problems to make real differences.

By valuing anonymous feedback and acting upon it, you can foster a workforce that is more involved, happier, and more productive. This leads to a stronger company culture, better performance, and keeping employees longer.

Starting to listen to your employees marks the beginning of building a brighter future together. Give them the chance to share their thoughts, and they'll help you make your workplace even better.

Send your leadership a question or feedback anonymously!
You can read their response and reply back in a private thread

More Articles From Ali Khan

Ali is a co-founder of Wrenly known for his innovative thinking and exceptional drive to create value for every Wrenly customer. His dedication, mentorship, and leadership skills have not only shaped various careers but have also made him an invaluable asset to the Wrenly team.

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