ali khan
Ali Khan
Published On
April 30, 2024
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33+ Employee Engagement Ideas For Remote Workers

I know remote work has its perks, like skipping the commute and maybe even working in your pajamas. But it also means figuring out how to keep the team spirit alive from a distance.

Here's what makes this blog a must-read:

  • Boost Productivity: Did you know that engaged teams are up to 21% more productive? Let’s look at ways to energize your team and boost their output.

  • Build a Strong Culture: A staggering 88% of employees think a strong culture is vital for business success. I’ll share tips on maintaining that vibrant culture, even when your team is spread out.

  • Proven Ideas: We’re diving into over 30 proven engagement ideas tailored for remote workers. From quick wins to creative projects, you'll find something to spark life into your daily routines.

  • Practical Solutions: All the employee engagement strategies we'll discuss are easy to roll out. You won’t need a big budget, just a willingness to try new things. 

  • Scalable Approaches: Whether you have five team members or five hundred, these ideas are flexible enough to scale to your needs. 

In this blog, you’ll find straightforward, practical tips that you can relate to and implement immediately. 

Think: Happy team, happy profits!

Let's bridge the physical gap and build a thriving remote team together!

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What Are the Best Virtual Employee Engagement Ideas?

Creative Remote Employee Engagement Activities

Here are some activities that encourage creativity and teamwork:

#1. Virtual Hackathons:

Nothing sparks creativity like a good challenge. Set your team on a mission to solve a problem or build something cool in a set timeframe.

For Virtual Hackathons Ideas you can seek suggestions or ideas in your Slack or Microsoft Teams workspace. Here’s how you can create a suggestion box using Wrenly.

This is a suggestion box on Wrenly

#2. Online Workshops: 

Host workshops on things your team finds interesting, like coding, photography, or even cooking. It's a great way to learn and bond.

#3. Remote ‘Show and Tell’: 

Remember those from grade school? Let your team share something personal or work-related with the group. It’s fun and builds connections.

#4. Themed Virtual Meetings: 

Turn your next meeting into a themed event. Everyone dresses up, and you get to break the monotony.

#5. Digital Escape Rooms: 

Take a break and challenge your team to a virtual escape room. It’s a fun way to test problem-solving skills.

#6. Collaborative Playlists: 

Create a shared playlist where everyone can add their favorite songs. It's like a virtual office radio station.

#7. Virtual Art Competitions: 

Organize a contest to see who can create the most interesting artwork using digital tools. Share the results with the team.

#8. Storytelling Sessions: 

Give everyone a chance to share their stories—real or fictional. It’s a great way to practice communication and empathy.

#9. Online Fitness Challenges: 

Encourage your team to stay active with virtual fitness challenges. It’s a healthy way to stay connected.

#10. Photo Challenges: 

Start a daily or weekly photo challenge with different themes. It’s a fun way to see everyone’s creativity.

Virtual Employee Engagement Ideas That Work

These tried-and-true engagement ideas are sure to keep your remote team feeling connected and motivated:

#11. Regular Virtual Coffee Breaks: 

Schedule regular coffee breaks where the team can chat informally, just like in the office. It’s a relaxed way to catch up.

#12. Peer Recognition Programs: 

Set up a system where employees can give each other Kudos. It’s an instant morale booster. 

Here’s how you can use Wrenly’s free Kudoboard to share with your team. Check out a live example board.

Wrenly Kudoboard

#13. Virtual Team Lunches: 

Host virtual lunches where everyone eats together over a video call. It brings a bit of the office lunchroom vibe home.

#14. Professional Development Funds: 

Provide a budget for online courses or training. It shows you care about their growth.

#15. 'Open Mic' Meetings: 

Give your team the floor to talk about anything they like. It’s a fun way to encourage creativity and share ideas.

#16. Virtual Office Tours: 

Have team members give a quick tour of their home office setup. It’s a fun glimpse into each other's workspace.

#17. Wellness Webinars: 

Host wellness sessions on topics like meditation or stress management. It’s a great way to support mental health.

#18. Interactive Webinars with Q&A Sessions: 

Invite experts to talk about topics your team is interested in. Make it interactive with a Q&A.

#19. Team Challenges: 

Organize monthly team challenges with fun prizes. It’s a great way to keep everyone motivated.

#20. Virtual Book Club: 

Start a virtual book club where everyone reads and discusses a book. It’s a relaxed way to engage and share insights.

Games and Activities to Keep Remote Teams Energized

Engaging your remote team can be as fun as it is productive. Here are some games and activities designed to keep the energy up:

#21. Virtual Trivia Contests: 

Host a trivia game where teams compete on various topics. It’s a great icebreaker and energizer for team meetings.

#22. Remote Pictionary: 

Use online whiteboards for a game of Pictionary. It’s a fun way to get creative juices flowing.

#23. Online Board Games: 

Many classic board games have online versions available. Schedule a game night and let the fun begin! 

#24. Video Game Tournaments: 

Organize a tournament with popular video games that your team enjoys. It’s competitive and engaging.

#25. Virtual Karaoke: 

Have a karaoke session where team members can sing their favorite songs. It’s a light-hearted way to de-stress.

#26. 'Two Truths and a Lie' Icebreaker: 

A quick game to start a meeting, where each person shares two truths and one lie about themselves, and the rest guess which one is the lie.

#27. Escape Room Challenges: 

Sign up for a virtual escape room event. These are great for team building and problem-solving.

#28. Meme Contests: 

Who doesn’t love a good meme? Have a contest to create the funniest meme related to work or current events.

#29. GIF Battles: 

Similar to meme contests, GIF battles involve choosing the best GIF to respond to a theme or situation.

#30. Virtual Talent Show: 

Let team members showcase their talents beyond their work skills. It can be anything from magic tricks to poetry.

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Monthly Employee Engagement Ideas

To keep your remote team engaged throughout the year, having a set of monthly activities can help maintain a high level of enthusiasm and connection:

#31. Monthly Wellness Challenges: 

Start a fitness or mindfulness challenge that everyone can participate in from home.

#32. Virtual Coffee Lottery: 

Each month, randomly pair team members to have a virtual coffee together, helping build connections across the team.

#33. Book of the Month Club: 

Choose a book each month and discuss it in a virtual meeting. It’s a great way to share perspectives and learn together.

#34. Themed Photo Days: 

Have a day where everyone shares a photo related to a specific theme, like pets, hobbies, or the view from their window.

#35. Cook-Off Challenges: 

Encourage team members to cook something based on a theme and share pictures or recipes. It’s a tasty way to engage everyone.

These fun games and monthly initiatives offer something for everyone, helping keep your remote team engaged, connected, and eagerly anticipating what’s next.

7 Proven Employee Engagement Ideas for Remote Teams

  1. Sustained Remote Trends: As we keep cozying up to remote work, adapting our engagement tactics to fit the virtual scene is key. It's about keeping the team spirit alive.

  2. Boosted Productivity: Engaged remote workers aren't just happier; they're more productive. Engaging remote employees means transforming potential home distractions into focused energy that drives results.

  3. Employee Retention and Satisfaction: Everyone wants to stick around where they feel valued, right? Engaging remote employees ensures they're not just faces on a screen but integral parts of the team. This boosts morale and keeps turnover rates low.
  4. Cultural Integration: For global companies, remote work can include employees from various cultural backgrounds. Your engagement strategies should be tailored for remote workers. So, it helps bridge cultural gaps and ensure inclusive practices that respect and celebrate diversity.

  5. Innovation and Learning: Despite physical distances, creative engagement can fuel innovation and skill development, keeping the team sharp and ideas fresh.

  6. Environmental and Family Dynamics: Embracing remote work can mean less commuting, which is great for the planet, and more time at home, which families love. Engagement that highlights these perks can deepen employees' commitment to their roles and the environment.

  7. Non-Traditional Work Hours: Not everyone’s clock ticks the same in a remote setting. Recognizing and adapting to this can help reduce stress and increase job satisfaction. After all, flexibility is one of the big reasons people love remote work!

By focusing on these aspects, our approach to remote employee engagement not only improves work outcomes but also builds a resilient, adaptable, and inclusive team culture.

Read Full Article: How To Increase Employee Engagement | Wrenly

How to Implement Remote Employee Engagement Ideas for Large Companies?

When rolling out engagement ideas for a large remote team, you need a straightforward plan to make sure everyone gets involved. Here’s a simple way to do it:

  1. Segment Teams: Divide your workforce into smaller groups based on departments, projects, or regions. Tailor activities to fit the specific needs and dynamics of each group to ensure relevance and effectiveness.

  2. Use the Right Tools: Choose digital platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Slack that can handle large groups for various activities.

  3. Plan With a Calendar: Keep a central calendar that lists all engagement activities. This makes it easy for everyone to see what’s happening and join in.

  4. Find Team Leaders: Pick enthusiastic individuals within each team to organize and lead activities. They can make sure the activities fit well with their team’s interests.

  5. Ask for Feedback: Regularly ask for feedback through simple surveys. Use what you learn to improve the activities and keep them fun and relevant.

  6. Diversify Activities: Include a variety of activities to match the different interests and backgrounds in your workforce. This could be anything from cultural events to fitness challenges.

  7. Keep Everyone Informed: Use emails, internal blogs, or quick meetings to tell everyone about upcoming events and why they should join.

  8. Watch What Works: Track how many people participate in the activities and see which ones are the most popular. Adjust your plans based on what you find.

  9. Get Leaders Involved: Encourage your company leaders to take part in the activities. Their involvement can boost morale and show that the company cares about engagement.

These steps will help you implement engagement activities effectively, ensuring your remote team stays connected and motivated.

What Innovative Employee Engagement Ideas Can Managers Use?

Leaders play a crucial role in setting the tone for remote employee engagement. 

Employee Engagement Ideas for Managers

Here’s how leadership can effectively drive engagement through their actions and strategic initiatives:

  1. Clear Communication: Leaders should actively participate in remote engagement activities and openly communicate. Regular updates and transparent sharing of company goals and changes help employees feel informed and valued.

  2. Recognition Programs: Implement programs that recognize and reward employee efforts. Public acknowledgment from leaders can boost morale and motivate others.

  3. Support Professional Growth: Offer opportunities for career development such as online courses or remote workshops. Investing in employees’ growth shows that leaders care about their future.

  4. Regular Feedback: Provide constructive feedback and regular performance reviews, which help guide employees and show that their work is being noticed and evaluated for growth.

Leadership’s Role in Remote Employee Engagement

  1. Lead by Example and Recognize Efforts: Join in on team activities and make it a point to publicly recognize team members' achievements. This encourages a culture of participation and appreciation.

  2. Keep Everyone Informed: Regularly share updates and maintain open communication to ensure everyone feels included and valued, even from afar.

  3. Champion Work-Life Balance: Promote a healthy work-life balance by setting clear expectations about work hours, encouraging breaks, and respecting personal time.

  4. Wellness Initiatives: Launch wellness programs that address the specific needs of remote workers, such as virtual fitness classes, mental health resources, and regular wellness check-ins.

  5. Create Connection Opportunities: Organize virtual meetups or team retreats that help build personal connections and team cohesion. Even simple social interactions can strengthen ties and improve teamwork.


Alright, let's wrap things up! We've chatted about a bunch of cool ways to keep your remote team happy and working hard. And again remember, a happy team is a productive team!

  • Fun Stuff: Games and creative projects aren't just for fun—they help teammates get along and come up with awesome ideas.

  • Talk, Talk, Talk: Keeping everyone in the loop makes them feel important. Keep the lines of communication open.

  • Learn and Grow: Help your team learn new things. It's like adding superpowers to their skill set!

  • Healthy Balance: Make sure everyone gets time to chill. Happy minds do great work.

  • Everyone’s a Part: Throw some virtual parties and let folks choose their work hours sometimes. It makes everyone feel right at home.

HR professionals and leaders, take these ideas and adapt them to fit your team’s needs and your company’s culture.

Putting these employee engagement strategies into practice will not only increase productivity. But also improve job satisfaction and strengthen loyalty to your company.

Let's make remote work rewarding and successful for everyone involved!

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More Articles From Ali Khan

Ali is a co-founder of Wrenly known for his innovative thinking and exceptional drive to create value for every Wrenly customer. His dedication, mentorship, and leadership skills have not only shaped various careers but have also made him an invaluable asset to the Wrenly team.

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