ali khan
Ali Khan
Published On
July 19, 2024
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10 Best Feedback Survey Questions For Employees

The essential element for a company's success is employee engagement and productivity. Having a well-organized team is the first step to knowing you are set for success.

Every company has a unique way of making things happen within its field, including employee feedback survey questions. Something that can seem funny or cool in your office might appear not so cool in another office. 

So how do we identify the company culture and the best feedback survey questions for employees? As good as it would sound to need only one survey to understand everything about where the team stands, beliefs, and criticisms, that is almost impossible.

Attempting to combine multiple surveys or topics into one employee engagement survey can confuse employees about the purpose of the survey and make taking action on feedback more difficult.

There are a variety of employee survey questions available. However, you must ask a few employee survey questions to measure employee engagement accurately.

Our goal today is to guide you through the process of creating and finding your employee feedback survey questions. You can ask these employee satisfaction survey questions to understand how engaged your team is.

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Turn surveys into a part of the workflow routine. 

This is very important to be aware of, ensuring your team knows that their feedback matters for improving the office or remote workflow and improves employee engagement.

Once your team understands the importance of taking action on all sorts of feedback and pulse surveys, your company's performance will be better understood.

Many factors influence employee morale and engagement. Culture, team relationships, and work environment can all influence how people feel about their day-to-day job satisfaction, how they engage with their team, and how they feel overall.

Nowadays, tools like Wrenly give you the perfect opportunity to receive valuable feedback and gain your team's trust by acting upon that feedback.

Using pulse surveys and feedback Fridays are among the best solutions for keeping up to date with your team members.

Making quick, short, and direct questions every Friday for all sorts of matters is much better than a super long survey with very long questions, which half of the team members won't bother participating in. 

There are many fields that a survey needs to be made for, but some of the most important ones are:

  • Personal Needs Survey
  • Teams' Satisfaction with the Management Survey 
  • Workflow Daily Dynamics Survey 

Personal Needs Survey 

Work-life balance and recognition are two of the most basic but essential needs at work for all team member.

It's unlikely that employees will be engaged if they feel undervalued or forced to choose between work and family.

Learn about the personal needs of your employees by asking these employee survey questions:

  1. Is your current working schedule favorable to your other out-of-the-office obligations? 
  2. Do you feel recognized and appreciated for all the work you do? 

Teams' Satisfaction with the Management Survey 

Engaged employees perceive their managers favorably. Employee engagement depends on managers, even though they aren't the only reason employees leave. Management team is very important for employees. They can have a big impact on the employee survey question responses.

  1. How engaging and willing is the manager to solve your particular issues?
  2. Do you receive feedback or regular check-ins from your managers? 

Workflow Daily Dynamics Survey 

Naturally, the everyday working dynamic sets the tone for your team's behavior, morale, and responses. This does impact the team's professional growth.

  1. How well are you and your team collaborating?
  2. Do you prefer working on your own or in a team? 

Building Trust Surveys 

Leadership relationships are critical to engagement, just like team dynamics. Leaders and teams who value employee contributions attract the best employees.

Trust isn’t just for the management-employee relationship but involves coworkers. Trust is essential for everything to flow better and get things finished. 

Trust isn’t just for the management-employee relationship but involves coworkers. Trust is essential for everything to flow better and get things finished. 

Workplace Culture Survey

Having satisfied employees is all about culture. To measure job satisfaction, you must ask the right questions about company culture. There are a lot of benefits you can get from anonymous feedback in this matter.

The work environment must be a positive place to be in and as well as offer opportunities for career growth and help employees envision their career path.

  1. What do you think of our company's culture?
  2. As a company, how open are we to change?

Daily Tasks Survey 

If you don't include questions about the job or the nature of the work, you can't measure employee satisfaction. You need to be more focused on the daily tasks and come up with questions just like that. 

  1. How fulfilling are your daily tasks to you?
  2. Are you scheduled enough for you to check everything planned for the day?

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Monitoring trends over time and understanding your employees' true feelings can help you detect an issue before it converts into a problem.

Then, you can ask follow-up questions to start a dialogue and find out what else you can do to improve their experience.

Productivity is also affected by employee happiness. Wrenly apps will help you learn more about that.

Make sure to focus on making sure that the everyday tasks are about growing and making professional development and personal growth too.

Keeping an eye on your team is the best thing you can do as a manager or a leader.

By making it crystal clear what their duties are, you can avoid employee confusion and any sort of misunderstandings that can lead to putting on hold some of the daily tasks simply because everyone on the team can say ‘that this is not my job,’ or ‘this falls out of the scope of their occupation.’ 

Benefits of Anonymous Feedback Surveys 

Send short, frequent surveys to gather insights regularly about your organization's health. It’s much better to send shorter yet more frequent surveys rather than overwhelming employees with a long list of questions every once in a while.

This is where the Wrenly comes in handy. This app offers you the perfect tools for receiving feedback anonymously every week. 

Benefits of anonymous feedback surveys include:

- They encourage honest feedback.

- They build trust in the organization and its leaders. Plausible deniability is a common concern for feedback givers that makes this kind of system attractive. With anonymity removed, the potential for people to say things that hurt reputations or careers is eliminated. The person giving the feedback has no reason not to be completely honest.

- They are better than regular surveys.It’s important to emphasize that anonymous feedback surveys are not a replacement for regular survey questions. Feedback polls also hit several of the benefits of anonymous feedback systems, especially when they give employees an opportunity to directly ask questions or share concerns. But when it comes to getting honest opinions and hearing what’s really being said behind the scenes, anonymous surveys are king.

- They are always valuable. Asking regular questions can improve the company’s focus on certain issues, but it’s not as good for gathering new information or receiving critique from a non-biased party. Anonymous feedback surveys are always valuable, since they can gather information from anyone at any time.

It’s not just a benefit for leadership; your employees would also benefit greatly from Wrenly by gaining an outlet to share their honest opinions.  You would learn everything you need for your team's productivity, development, well-being, and the list goes on and on. So try it out for free!

Check out our blog for more!


1. How to tailor feedback survey questions for remote teams specifically?

Customize feedback survey questions for remote teams by focusing on aspects unique to remote work, such as communication tools and work-life balance.

2. What are effective follow-up actions after analyzing the survey responses?

Effective follow-up actions include sharing key findings with the team, setting clear goals for improvement, and implementing changes based on feedback.

3. How to ensure a high response rate to feedback surveys?

To ensure high response rates, communicate the survey's importance, guarantee anonymity, and keep it concise. Offering incentives can also increase participation.

Send your leadership a question or feedback anonymously!
You can read their response and reply back in a private thread

More Articles From Ali Khan

Ali is a co-founder of Wrenly known for his innovative thinking and exceptional drive to create value for every Wrenly customer. His dedication, mentorship, and leadership skills have not only shaped various careers but have also made him an invaluable asset to the Wrenly team.

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